Hello aurora won in the Icelandic Web Awards


Hello aurora won in the Icelandic Web Awards's cover picture

We won the Icelandic Web Awards for the Side Project of the year. Check out our story behind this and celebrate with us!

A while ago, we submitted our project to the web awards under the category “Side Project”, we were nominated to the top 5 and finally we won the Side Project of the year 2019 (Gæluverkefni ársins) at the Icelandic Web Awards!

SVEF Awards or the Icelandic Web Awards is an annual web event held to strengthen the industry and reward the best work to encourage professionals in the field.

As you may know, if you have been following us for a while (if not then continue reading) we are doing this to cross out our obstacles when finding the northern lights. Our main goal is to make hello aurora travellers’ best friend. We take users’ experience and users’ feedback very seriously and try our best to improve and implement as much as we can in the app.

This award is considering to be the first achievement for us since we launched hello aurora. We put so much effort into it and hoping one day the app will be beneficial for our users. This award answer what we are trying so hard to fulfil.

We would like to share our happy moment and thanks to our users who keep sending us feedback and suggestion. We totally cannot always be aware of these issues by ourselves, therefore, we appreciate your help.

Besides the award, the jury’s comment was very inspired. Here is the comment from the jury:

Great ambition has been put into the user-friendly interface that extends the information simply and concisely. The solution solved the known problem for users and the interface is in line with ideas that generate interesting and rewarding solutions

We are very happy with the comment. We try to make the information about northern lights, that some people feel exhausted about, the easiest to understand. We are not experts in this field (yet) just some who has passion and interest in Aurora. 

Again, thanks to you all for the feedback and suggestion.

Follow us on Instagram, Facebook and Twitter for more of Aurora!

Support us

If you like what we do, please consider supporting us. We have donations available in the app. We also have a Pro account available for $1.99 /month. This will give you access to exclusive features in the app to connect and share with the community.

Donations and subscriptions help us with the infrastructure's cost that's necessary to keep the app running and let you sharing your best aurora moments. 💚


Get started

Don't wait any longer, download hello aurora and start exploring!